About American Sustainability
merican Sustainability is all about developing pathways toward sustainability through consensus, regardless of political, environmental, or social views
We orient businesses toward eco-efficiency and lean operations through our information streams by working with professionals, alumni, bloggers, and public speakers to harness and share information tied to balancing people, planet, and profit.
We love helping individuals and our community find better, more sustainable ways to live.
We invite all who wish to help us find win-win solutions to join us in this effort.

Helping business leaders, employees, environmentalists, and community advocates become more sustainable through our business hub and lifestyle blog forum
Adding value to your bottom line through practical business tools, online advertising community, and affiliate marketing program.
Helping eco-minded and socially responsible affiliates and like-minded authors sell their products.
Cover a wide range of sustainability management tools for individuals, businesses, and communities
Provide tips, booklets, checklists, worksheets, posters, books, and other informational products.
Contribute our profits to the owners’ environmental and social causes.
American Sustainability is an online publishing and blogging website that educates individuals, businesses, and communities on how to be sustainable and sells books, audiobooks, eBooks, video courses, checklists, worksheets, and other informational products.
We hope to help businesses, individuals, and communities become more sustainable, help affiliates and like-minded authors sell their products, encourage visitors to purchase and download tips and checklists, send visitors to print-on-demand sites for our book sales, and use our commissions to pay our expenses and contribute profits to the owners’ environmental and social causes.
American Sustainability LLC started as a collaboration between passionate professors and students from across the political spectrum, all with the intent to find solutions that could bring people together, working towards fairness for all people and good stewardship of the resources we use, while still promoting profits for all our customers and collaborators, i.e., the triple bottom line.

Lynn Grinnell
I truly believe that everything that I have done, every talent I have been given, and every interaction I have had has been leading me to this place. I feel like many different streams are converging to one strong current. I spent the first 20 years of my career in the US Air Force and about 20 years overseas (not all coinciding). In the Air Force, I was a fighter controller (aka GCI or AWC, for those who have similar experiences – the military does love its acronyms!) in Air Defense operations, whose mission it was to defend the homeland from attack. However, the Air Force does give folks an interesting range of duties outside of the primary ones. I was trained as a Master Quality Instructor, and became a Quality Advisor for HQ 1AF at Tyndall AFB, FL.
Since Quality Improvement and Sustainable Improvement are identical in approach and philosophy, this was great preparation to be full-time faculty for a new bachelor’s program in Sustainability Management at St. Petersburg College, one of the first such programs in the country. On a parallel path, I also felt called to defend those who needed defending in the community, and became an ordained Deacon in the Episcopal Church. As a conservative in a liberal field and pretty liberal church, I initially was concerned that this juxtaposition of opposites might cause ulcers, but, in fact, the opposite has been true.
Thanks to some intuitive conservative writers and speakers (more on that elsewhere), the light bulb went on in my mind: first, conservatives conserve the gifts God has given us – which is wholly compatible with protecting the environment – and second, we all are called to care for one another – which is wholly aligned with the People aspects of the triple bottom line (i.e., balancing people, planet, and profit). Having now worked in this field for ten years, I feel strongly called to help repair the rifts between the two sides of the political spectrum. There is so much we have in common, so many practical solutions available, and so much to do to disseminate this information.

Rich Grinnell
After 24 years as a fighter pilot in the US Air Force (one of the first ten in the F-16), I decided to pursue a dream I had had from the age of twelve: to get my Master’s in Architecture.
I still have the paper I wrote in 8th grade identifying this as my career goal. My college education at Trinity as an Art major and Math minor, and many years of visualizing three-dimensional space as I was “yanking and banking” in the air, helping students learn to fly, gave me a rare perspective that I try to apply to this business. Through my Master’s Thesis, Faith-based Community: A prototype for the suburbs, I explored my deep interest in creating community through positive neighborhood design. Invited to teach Materials and Methods at St. Petersburg College, I subsequently became FGBC (Florida Green Building Coalition) certified and added Sustainability in the Built Environment and Solar courses to my instructional repertoire.
As Chief of Production for American Sustainability, I support all parts of the publishing process by providing artistic expertise, voice narration, and project planning (and anything else that is needed!) to every aspect of the business.

Bradyn Freeman
I believe we’re all put here to make a difference in something. For me, I particularly work in the renewable energy field installing and servicing solar energy systems, but I also have a passion for social issues and environmental conservation. When we talk about sustainability, think about how much work we have to do globally to start reversing the effects Man causes. That’s why we need Sustainable Development Goals, and then some. Not just a plan, but political accountability to that shared vision.
I think the arts communities, in conjunction with non-profits, advocacy groups, scientists and other eco-conscious influencers play a large roll in bringing awareness to people now. Without censorship, we’re able to come together as a species and talk about the effects of the global economy to our planet and communities like Flint, Indonesia, The Amazon Rainforest, communities of poverty.
My role with American Sustainability is to help share the teachings from Dr Grinnell, along with other sustainability professionals to positively influence people interested in making a difference. Maybe you just want the financial gains from boosting your productivity at work from the sustainability strategies and tools, or maybe you want to better approach your work with “green” mindset. Students and professionals both will find value in this content. If you wish to collaborate with us, please reach out as we are interested in helping others get their education efforts exposure.

Russ Robertson
Describing me with just my name and my academic credentials feels weak, to say the least. I am so much more. I am a Man after God’s heart, Husband, Father, Friend, Teacher, Scholar, Chef, Hard worker at Transamerica Inc., Gardner, Artist, Carpenter, and Woodworker (among many other skills I have acquired through the years).
My Educational Background.
It started slow but steady. I dropped out of High School in the beginning of ninth grade at the age of 15. I finished my GED at 22, just after by first daughter was born. I graduated from MPTC in West Bend, WI. At the age of 40, I received an AS in Accounting. Most recently, I graduated from SPC in St Petersburg, FL at the age of 60 with a BAS in Sustainability Management.
Filling in The Gaps.
I worked in the hospitality field for about 30 years (Waiter, Chef, and General Manager – you should taste my …). As an accountant I have worked for some great companies, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and Eckard.
What’s Left to Know …
Just me. I have a passion to know everything, I have what I feel is a God-given talent to to understand how something works, to be able to take something apart in my mind before I take it apart to fix it. Unfortunately, in the world today, nobody needs a fix-it man (and that’s ok.) Because of some of my choices in life, I have not always had the economic ability to purchase the better things in life, but that has never stopped me from having them. Simply put, if I can’t buy it or it costs way too much, I ask myself how can I make it. remake it, or repurpose it.
Everyone in this world is so much more that what we see or what they can express in a few words. At 61, I still feel I can make a difference. I want to help people; I have a deep faith that has shown me that the best way out of any hard situation is to give – give of yourself to others – to show, lead, teach, understand, love, emphasize, and give of myself to others.
I love this world we live in and decided a long time ago that I am not all that important to the world today. But… one man can make a difference. If I can just reach one, or teach one, or understand one person, maybe, just maybe I will become that pebble in a pond and create a wave of hope to others.
Join Us as Collaborators
We welcome all sustainability management professionals with the values we are trying to foster.
Meet our Author Partners
American Sustainability has an organic structure, allowing it to respond fluidly and grow in many directions. We invite sustainability professionals to contribute blog posts and material for publication, and so this list of collaborators will reflect the dynamic quality of the enterprise.
If you would like to be a contributor, we ask only that you follow the intent of the founders to bring positive, practical, win-win solutions to businesses, individuals, and communities.

Cara McCown
I am originally from the Northeast but moved to St. Petersburg at ten years old and have lived here for 26 years. I have a wonderful husband and three cats, and we love the outdoors.
Growing up, my parents always ate healthily, rarely wasted anything, and were very socially conscious and active about vulnerable populations worldwide. I was fortunate to have that upbringing, and it has helped me navigate through my academic, personal, and professional life.
After receiving a bachelor’s in Sustainability Management from St. Petersburg College, I went right back into school and am currently a master’s student at the University of South Florida’s Patel College of Global Sustainability. I am studying Sustainable Energy and Water Management as I see those two issues, as well as food security, growing into massive problems as populations around the world multiply.
I have a great passion for personal sustainability and resiliency, as well as the governing aspect. I am currently a Sustainability Intern at the City of Largo, where I am involved in projects that genuinely utilize my education from St. Petersburg College and the University of South Florida.
As many of us do, we know the world is changing rapidly, both environmentally, economically, and socially. There is much work to do to save our beautiful planet – but nothing is impossible if we come together. I believe we can solve anything.

Carolyn Hooker
About Me
Gender: Female
Industry: Non-profit
Location: St. Petersburg, FL
Interests: Church, reading, movies, natural water scenes
Favorite movies: The Count of Monte Cristo, Any Nollywood movie<br />
Favorite music: Glorious Hope (Favorite – Peace Be Still), CeCe Winans (Favorite – Alabaster Box), Tara Montpetit and Brian Haney (Favorite – For your Tears, I Died)<br />
Favorite books: Bible, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Pillars of the Earth, World Without End, The Third Twin, Tuesdays with Morrie, Infidel … too many to list!

Trevor Sanders
I am currently an intern for American-Sustainability and am learning everything I can about sustainability with the help of Dr. Grinnell. Practicing more sustainable habits is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time and being able to get involved with American-Sustainability has provided the perfect opportunity to learn new behaviors that can help our environment.
I am excited to be writing educational, lifestyle, and self-improvement articles for American-Sustainability that will shine light on how important living sustainably can be for individuals, communities, and organizations.
I am currently in my last semester of college and will be getting a bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies and Community Leadership from St. Pete College. I am excited to graduate and explore further education options in the fields of Social Work and Counseling.
Learning more about the environment, how to become more sustainable, and what sort of efforts need to take place to make a positive impact will all be applied in positions, careers, and lifestyle in years to come.

Rachel Pomeroy
Rachel Pomeroy Wallick will be graduating with her BA in Education Studies and Community Leadership in May 2023. Born and raised in St. Petersburg Florida, she studied Family, Youth, and Community Sciences and Sustainability at the University of Florida before moving back to St. Petersburg to get married and start a family. In her free time, she loves the outdoors and spending time with family. It is important for her to leave the world a better place for her children and show them how to continue to work to a better for future for everyone around them.

I hope to learn more about sustainability during this internship while learning new skills I can use to further the goals of the non-profits I support, the main being the Never Say Never Foundation.

Jessica Johnson
Currently, I am in my last semester of the educational studies and community leadership program, and hope to create fun educational content on sustainability, as well as spreading awareness about various small things we can do to move towards a greater future. I am overjoyed that I am completing my Internship at American-Sustainability as it has a great mission and values. Immersing myself in new and prior knowledge on sustainability is invigorating and inspiring. This internship has kept me mindful of my own personal choices and habits in my everyday life and keeps me motivated to be a better person every day.

Luetheal Byrd
I am Luetheal Byrd-Hinds, and I love the exchange of Information. I am a mom and an educator for at-risk youth in Florida. My current focus is to empower, create, and exchange information in order to support sustainable living. I love learning new ways to revive communities that need social and economic support. I am also an outreach Pastor who is currently beginning a project in Jamaica, West Indies. I aspire to exchange information on a global level to increase sustainability. I believe that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens Me. Green Empowerment!!!

Eden Rivera
After I complete my degree, I will hopefully start my new job and work on my masters in psychology. I am excited to be an intern this semester summer of 2023 and cannot wait to learn more about becoming eco- friendly.

Edeza Rodriguez
I currently work as a substitute teacher for Hillsborough County. I enjoy learning and meeting many children from different walks of life. I will be doing a virtual internship on sustainability.
This internship fits with my current position in more ways than one. As a substitute, I have witnessed many students struggle mentally and emotionally. They lack the guidance and leadership required to succeed academically and in life. The community is a resource for students in need, primarily minority students. Afterschool programs like the YMCA or the Boys and Girls Club help students create meaningful relationships with mentors and coaches they can confide in. These programs and non-profit organizations also help keep students out of trouble and off the streets.
Through community engagement, students will also learn the importance of sustainability issues that can also affect them, like poverty or resource depletion. Having students volunteer at homeless shelters and clean-up events will help them become more aware of these global problems. Educators and community leaders should work together for the overall well-being of our students. My short-term goals are to finish my Bachelor’s degree and prioritize my mental, physical, and emotional health this semester. My long-term goals are constantly changing.
I would love to open up my own business to impact the people of my community, whether it be a gym or an afterschool program. As of right now, I am still figuring out what I would like to do a few years from today. I have a passion for everything centered around our overall health. While serving in the military, I competed in a bodybuilding competition and fell in love with the art of the sport. I have learned that both our physical and mental health matter. What we put into our bodies also matters, and paying attention to the ingredients in our foods is also vital to our health.
I have also considered re-enlisting in the military as an officer now that I will have my bachelor’s degree. The best skills and abilities I could offer to future employees based on my experiences are my willingness to learn, collaborate, and take initiative. I love discovering new things and seeing things from a different perspective. I enjoy working with others because it brings more ideas to the table. I also like to get tasks done without being told to do so. Furthermore, I believe that I have an abundance of patience and compassion. I am willing to listen and let someone express themselves and their point of view. We have to value our cultural differences and find ways to cultivate diversity.

Brianna Martone
I am currently a substitute teacher for our local high schools and teach culinary every Friday to a group of high school students. I own a bakery and catering company named Thyme and Honey and enjoy being able to mix so many of my loves into one passion. With my newfound understanding and appreciation for sustainability, I will be developing recipes not only for you, but for my business that help to leave the least negative impact on our beautiful world. Welcome along on this journey new friend, may we all be inspired!

Grace Martone
My ultimate career goal is to be a college admissions advisor. My wife and I own a bakery and catering company named Thyme and Honey LLC. We will be completing a collaborative cookbook of sustainable meals and projects. This means that we will be using an ingredient right down to the packaging. I hope that these small steps can lead to huge progress.

Stephanie Rivera
My name is Stephanie Rivera, and I am majoring in Educational Studies and Community Leadership with an expected graduation date of fall 2023. I plan to get a master’s degree and become an adolescent counselor. I hope to impact the lives of local youth by modeling good character and ensuring they are on the right path toward a positive future.
I am originally from New York City, where I spent the first 29 years of my life before relocating to sunny Florida in 2018. It was certainly a dramatic change, but I am gradually getting used to things over here –the warm winters and having to drive remain the most challenging adjustments! In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with my two cute pups, cooking, painting, drawing, and surrounding myself with friends and family.

Danalyn Ramos
I am a Florida native, born and raised in the Tampa Bay area, growing up in such a flat, tropical state has pushed me to travel to other climates to enjoy a change of scenery. I’ve traveled all over the United States and am excited to be planning my first trip overseas next year. I have two dogs, Zeek and Harley who are the best fur babies. We love going for adventures outdoors, weather hiking, running, exploring new nature trails and parks, or going to the beach, there’s always something exciting to do! I’m an Educational Studies Major currently in my last semester at St. Petersburg College with plans of working within school administration. I have always been climate driven; I make sure to recycle, use as little waste as possible, and practice climate friendly alternatives. Sustainability in America is such an important topic in our current society, and I’m overjoyed to be completing my internship with such a climate motivated organization, driven to bringing attention to sustainability in America.

Jillian Dunayer
My name is Jillian Dunayer and I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida. I am in my last semester at St. Petersburg College, graduating with a B.S in Educational Studies and Community Leadership. I have been working with the Pasco County School District since 2020 as an Instructional Assistant, and have a strong passion for making a positive impact on the lives of others. In my free time I love to watch sports (Go Bucs and Rays!), work out, and go to the beach. Sustainability is important to me because it ensures a harmonious balance between human activities and the health of our planet.

Jillian Dunayer
My name is Jillian Dunayer and I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida. I am in my last semester at St. Petersburg College, graduating with a B.S in Educational Studies and Community Leadership. I have been working with the Pasco County School District since 2020 as an Instructional Assistant, and have a strong passion for making a positive impact on the lives of others. In my free time I love to watch sports (Go Bucs and Rays!), work out, and go to the beach. Sustainability is important to me because it ensures a harmonious balance between human activities and the health of our planet.