Be Decent: Environmental Activism 2.0 – eBook


“From pollution to public health, the life-threatening challenges that we were warned about decades ago are no longer conceptual concerns that our children and our grandchildren may face one day…

Fortunately, however, there is a steady and trustworthy solution we can turn to. No, not our centralized political or economic leadership: decentralized digital technology.”

This price is for the Kindle edition.  This book is also available in paperback for $24.99.  No audiobook yet, but we’ll keep checking!


by Samantha Joule Fow

I’m a big believer in decentralization to address the unique needs of each community and individual rather than big, one-size-fits-all mandates.  This book looks at the awesome, decentralized solutions that are possible with technology.

From Amazon:  We are experiencing the impacts of climate change, systemic corruption, social injustice, accumulating pollution, and countless other global issues right now…

But we’re a resilient bunch, and those of us most impacted by the failures of our centralized political institutions aren’t just taking it lying down. We are now seeing a mass mobilization of people innovating new ways to harness decentralized technologies (“decent tech”) to empower a new phase of environmental activism that rises up from the grassroots. Digital technology is growing increasingly decentralized, and as is our opportunity to solve our local and global environmental problems for ourselves.

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