Green Business Hub2019-11-30T12:16:55-05:00



The purpose of the Business Hub is to provide a place for sharing practical solutions for businesses and non-profits that balance people, planet, and profit. We want to explore sustainable solutions in strategic planning, business tools and techniques, innovations, and common ground. Let’s explore the best practices and paradigm shifts that will convince all reasonable people to make sustainable decisions.

We invite bloggers who share this approach to blog with us. If you are interested, please go to our publishing page and let us know who you are.

MLK Jr. vs Glenn Beck – Opposed or aligned? Ask a Black Bishop

By Lynn Grinnell My friends on both sides of the aisle, is it possible that the philosophy of my hero, Martin Luther King, can speak to controversial voices in unexpected places? I can attest to that fact: I went to a deeply moving event, R [...]

January 16th, 2022|Common Ground, Life Balance|

Why Black People Must Be a Part of Climate Change Work:
Six Black Climate Change Leaders You Need to Know

Six Black climate change leaders comment on the urgency for Black people to be more active in climate change work in our Black communities. It is these communities that are highly effective by the increase in climate changes that are direct [...]

July 17th, 2021|Common Ground, Featured|

Sustainability and The African American Community – Introduction

I am delighted to introduce an important viewpoint in the world of sustainability - the viewpoint from our new intern, Carolyn Hooker.  Carolyn is an African American student in SPC's College of Education working on her bachelor's degree in [...]

Where’s the beef? Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as 3D printed beef!!

By Lynn Grinnell, PhD The UK Daily Mail is reporting, “World’s first 3D bioprinted RIBEYE STEAK that’s ‘just as tender and juicy as the one you’d buy from a butcher’ is unveiled.” The Washington Post and others also had the story. This is f [...]

Zero-cost Energy Savings for Quick Wins

You can find some absolutely free, quick and easy wins that will improve your sustainability and reduce your environmental impact by encouraging minor changes to your behavior and the behavior of those around you. However, you need to intro [...]



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