The purpose of the Lifestyles blog is to share sustainable personal solutions that are very doable – easy and enjoyable, and hence, likely to stick. We want to highlight new and exciting ways of living in your home, in your community, and as you travel around the world. We will cover healthy and sustainable ways of balancing all aspects of your life. We blog in the areas of home, food, community, travel, and life balance. Let’s move forward towards a net zero impact on our environment and a great relationships within our families, communities and the world.
We invite bloggers who share our approach to blog with us. If you are interested, please go to our publishing page and let us know who you are.
Eco-Friendly Travel Tips for a Sustainable July 4th Holiday
by Tessa Frank Eco-Friendly Travel Tips for a Sustainable July 4th Holiday As the July 4th holiday approaches, many of us are gearing up for travel adventures to celebrate Independence Day. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a lon [...]
Sustainable Mindsets for When Your Cup Feels Half Empty
Introduction This week’s question I was left pondering what one can do during times that are especia [...]
A Reasonable Conservative’s View of the Environment: A tribute to Charles Krauthammer
By Lynn Grinnell, PhD, LEED O+M Is it possible to talk to a conservative about climate change? Let [...]
A Hero’s Journey: A Positive Future for College Education
By Lynn Grinnell, PhD, LEED AP O+M (with my colleague, Greta Kishbaugh) Outreach Using Sustainable I [...]
Save the Plastic: Making Coldbrew at Home
Introduction Cold brew is hands down one of my favorite types of coffee, due to it’s convenience of [...]