Green Business Hub2019-11-30T12:16:55-05:00



The purpose of the Business Hub is to provide a place for sharing practical solutions for businesses and non-profits that balance people, planet, and profit. We want to explore sustainable solutions in strategic planning, business tools and techniques, innovations, and common ground. Let’s explore the best practices and paradigm shifts that will convince all reasonable people to make sustainable decisions.

We invite bloggers who share this approach to blog with us. If you are interested, please go to our publishing page and let us know who you are.

Water: Avoiding Hidden Waste and Saving a Critical Resource (while Saving $$, Too)

This is an excerpt from Green Projects: Balancing People, Planet, and Profit by Lynn Grinnell Most of us have read plenty about water being a critical resource. After all, only 4% of water on the earth is fresh water. I live in Florida, and [...]

How is Oprah like Glenn Beck? And what you can learn from this…a new year’s resolution for the rest of us

By Lynn Grinnell I must tell you – I am so tired of being angry.  It’s not in my nature to be angry, but the last two – no, make that the last 15 years – have been incredibly frustrating.   Apparently, the same thing is true with two p [...]

Stress Management in a Stressful World: Dealing with coronavirus hassles, life stress, and dangers

The stress of coronavirus is real. How can we survive in a world that has stopped for a force of nature? How can we reduce the fear that is paralyzing us? We can take control of our emotional response. This interactive workshop will give yo [...]

April 10th, 2020|Common Ground, Eco-friendly Living, Featured, Life Balance, News|

Crisis = Danger + What? The coronavirus inflection point to a better world [UPDATE]

Wikipedia [See note 1] says that ever since JFK said that the Chinese character for crisis was a combination of the characters for danger and opportunity, we have accepted that as the literal translation; however, the actual translation of [...]



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